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Begin in a low squat with your feet as close together as possible. If you can, keep your heels on the ground. Use a rolled or folded mat If your heels don’t comfortably touch the floor.
Spread your thighs wider than your torso so you can lean forward and bring your torso between your thighs. Exhale to deepen into the posture by pressing your elbows against your inner knees or shins. Place palms together in prayer position and create resistance between the inner legs and the elbows.
Lengthen the front of your torso as you squeeze your inner thighs towards each other. If you want to move deeper, take a twist or a bind. You can also reach back with your hands and hold onto or under your heels.
Hold the posture for as long as is comfortable, a minimum of 30 seconds. When you’re ready to exit, use an inhale to stand up into Mountain pose, folding forward if you’d like to release the back in Forward Fold.
Place a rolled or folded blanket under the heels if they don’t reach the ground.
Place a block under your hips to reduce pressure or discomfort in the knees.
Add a twist or bind to intensify the stretch.
Lower back issues
Knee issues
Type of pose
Parts of Body Benefited
Digestive system