Alternate Nostril Breathing
Audio File
Place the right hand in Vishnu Mudra (forefinger and middle finger bent towards the palm; thumb, ring, and pinky in the air).
To do one round: close off right nostril with the thumb and inhale into the left nostril; close left nostril with ring and pinky fingers, open the right nostril and exhale through the right, then inhale into the right nostril; close the right nostril, open the left, and exhale through the left nostril.
Continue, doing 5-20 rounds.
Type of pose
Parts of Body Benefited
Improves our ability to focus the mind
Supports our lungs and respiratory functions
Restores balance in the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and clears the energetic channels
Rejuvenates the nervous system
Removes toxins
Settles stress