Standing Wide Angle Forward Bend with Twist
Audio File
Stand with feet hip width apart. Begin to take legs wider to a stance that feels comfortable.
Bend your knees slightly and pigeon toe the feet slightly.
Place hands on hips.
Exhale and release the torso down from the sacrum. Lengthen the front of the torso.
Walk hands back between the feet.
Widen shoulder blades across the back and draw shoulders away from your ears.
Walk the right hand toward the left leg.
Hold onto to the left leg.
Walk hands back to center.
Walk the left hand toward the right leg.
Hold onto the right leg.
Walk hands back to center.
On an inhale slowly bring yourself back up to stand.
Place hands on blocks.
Lower back problems.
Low blood pressure.
Type of pose
Parts of Body Benefited
Strengthen and stretch the inner and back legs and spine.
Tones organs.
Other poses that cultivate: