Seated Wide Angle Forward Bend with Twist
Audio File
Begin seated with legs in front of you.
Inhale and exhale and begin to take your legs out in a v, finding just the right amount of stretch.
Knee caps and feet pointing up to the sky.
Inhale grow long sitting bones into the floor and crown of head up to the sky.
Inhale and exhale as you begin to turn the belly, ribs, chest and head to the right.
Stay upright or begin to lower over the right leg.
Stay for 8-10 breaths.
Repeat on the left side.
Use bolster or blanket to support the twist.
Back or spine issues.
Type of pose
Parts of Body Benefited
Stretches the insides and backs of the legs.
Strengthens the spine.
Stimulates abdominal organs.
Other poses that cultivate: