Half Moon
Audio File
From High Lunge with the left foot forward, inhale and shift weight forward into the left foot, straightening the left leg. Lift the right leg up parallel to the floor.
Staring at a point on the floor, place the left palm directly under the left shoulder and carefully bring the right hand to the right hip. Roll the right hip up and back so the hips face the side wall.
Inhale the right fingertips up towards the ceiling. Turn the head to face the side wall. Work on turning the whole torso to face the side wall.
Breathe and hold for 3-5 breaths.
To release: exhale and slowly bring both hands back to the floor and step the foot back into High Lunge.
Repeat on the other side.
Use a block under the hand
Use a wall for support - lean back, head and legs against the wall
Leg injuries
Hip injuries
Shoulder injuries
Back injuries
Type of pose
Parts of Body Benefited