Elephant in the (Class)room: School- and System-Level Issues

Elephant in the (Class)room: School- and System-Level Issues


Educator wellness is not an individual issue; rather, it is a system- and school-level issue with many contributing factors. This course provides some of the foundational research and frameworks used for whole school wellness.

Once you purchase the course, you will receive confirmation of your purchase. Within 24 hours of your purchase, we will enroll you in the course. The course is one hour long, and it is asynchronous and self-paced. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.

If you’d like to order bulk access to this course for multiple users, do not order through the store, as we provide discounts for bulk orders. Instead, please contact kathryn@well4edu.org.

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Here’s a sneak peek of what this course is all about!