Posts in 31-60
Episode 30: Supporting Educators Who Support Underrepresented and Underserved Populations

"It's not so much as saying, 'this is what we're doing and you all must do what I do', it's, 'here's some room to get creative."

- Jonathan Santos Silva

"Kill the savage spare the man. It’s kind of that same feeling, right, like let’s get these kids out of this hood life. Let’s get these kids out of their culture. Everything that they are experiencing and tell them it’s all wrong. Here’s the blueprint of what you’re supposed to fit into. We try to be intentional around not doing that."

- Tito SantosSilva

"I’m a disrupter to systematized tactics of oppression that have historically underserved or not allowed for opportunity to be accessed by large groups of individuals like our black folks, our indigenous folks, our BIPOC folks in general."

- Shomari Jones

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31-60Liz Kennedy